How to change a lease that has been signed by a tenant
Can I make additional changes to a lease my tenant already signed?
As long as the landlord has not already signed the lease, additional changes are possible. However, making additional changes will require the tenant to sign the lease once additional changes are made.
Follow these steps to reopen the lease for additional changes once a tenant has already signed:
1. Click "View Details" under the tenant's lease information. (This button is next to "edit lease.")
2. Click the green button that says "Change/Cancel lease."
3. Choose the option to change the lease.
4. This will allow you to go back and make additional changes to the lease. Use "edit lease" to change the fields in the template such as rent amount, security deposit, owner/landlord name, etc. If you need to change specific language in your template you will need to go back and edit your template on the lease templates screen.
5. Once you are done, send a new signing notification to the tenant. The tenant must sign again with the changes reflected.
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