How to Enroll in Online RentPay
How do I enroll in RentPay to receive payments online?
Eliminate any hurdles for paying rent by offering your tenants the convenience of online rent payments.
- Recurring payment options
- Automatic payment reminders
- Automatic late fee charges
- $10 a month for landlords, unlimited properties.(per bank account setup to receive payments.)
- $3.95 convenience fee for tenants
Follow these steps to enroll your properties in online rent payments:
1. Log in to your Rent Perfect account.
2. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click "Apply for Rent Pay"
3. Be prepared to upload a copy of your ID and a voided check.
4. Click "APPLY NOW" to complete the enrollment application. You will need to complete one application per bank account.
It typically takes about 2-3 business days for approval.

Applying for a RentPayment account is easy and free for landlords.
Tenants pay a small convenience fee of just $3.95 per ACH payment.
Landlord pay $10 per deposit account, unlimited properties.
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