How can landlords prepare for the end of the Eviction Moratorium?
How can landlords prepare for the inevitable end to the eviction moratorium? Check out the Rent Perfect podcast where our expert hosts discuss 3 scenarios to consider and prepare [...]
How can I protect myself as a landlord with rentals during times like Covid?
How Tenant CoVid Era Behavior is a Predictor of the Future Knowing how your applicant did in the “CoVid” times will be important information to protect ourselves in the future. As a newly married man in my mid 20’s, my wife and I went out and looked at new homes as we were trying to decide where to lay down our roots and start our little family. We walked through what seemed [...]
How does legalized Marijuana affect my "No Smoking" Rule at my rental property?
Legalized Marijuana: Its Impact on Your Rental Properties "You don’t have to provide a one-hundred page document listing every type of pet by name that aren’t allowed in your no pet policy, so why should you have to identify what can or cannot be smoked in your property." The 2020 elections completed last month will go down as one of the most memorable for our great country. [...]
What proof do I need to upload to setup my bank account for online payments?
Please upload one of the following items to setup your bank account. Copy of a voided or canceled check with your name and account number. Copy of a bank statement with your name and account number. Samples of Acceptable Proof of Bank [...]
How does Marijuana Legalization affect my rental properties?
Host David Pickron discusses the impact of legalized recreational marijuana use in rental properties with Attorney Mark Zinman. It's critical to remember that this is your property, and your policies are what will protect you from abuse by your [...]