How can landlords spend less time managing their tenants?
TIME IS FREEDOM! Imagine having every interaction you have with your tenants being able to be completed in under one minute. Rent Perfect's tenant management system allows this and so much more. Join Rent Perfect President David Pickron as he lays out this revolutionary approach to managing your tenants. 🏠 The Rent Perfect system helps investors become successful "lazy" landlords by managing [...]
How will the Blueprint for Renters Bill of Rights affect landlords?
Covering Principle Five of the White House Blueprint for the Renters Bill of Rights, Rent Perfect President David Pickron and General Counsel Denny Dobbins discuss how this blueprint can and will affect landlords today and in the future. You can download a copy of this new document here 🏠 The Rent Perfect system helps investors become successful "lazy" landlords by managing efficiently with [...]
How will the Blueprint for the Renters Bill of Rights affect landlords?
Covering Principle Four of the White House Blueprint for the Renters Bill of Rights, Rent Perfect President David Pickron and General Counsel Denny Dobbins discuss how this blueprint can and will affect landlords today and in the future. You can download a copy of this new document here. 🏠 The Rent Perfect system helps investors become successful "lazy" landlords by managing efficiently with [...]
How will the new Whitehouse Blueprint of the Renters Bill of Rights affect landlords?
Covering Principle Three of the White House Blueprint for the Renters Bill of Rights, Rent Perfect President David Pickron and General Counsel Denny Dobbins discuss how this blueprint can and will affect landlords today and in the future. You can download a copy of this new document here 🏠 The Rent Perfect system helps investors become successful "lazy" landlords by managing efficiently with [...]
How will the new White House Blueprint for a Renter's Bill of Rights affect my rental business?
Covering Principle Two of the White House Blueprint for the Renters Bill of Rights, Rent Perfect President David Pickron and General Counsel Denny Dobbins discuss how this blueprint can and will affect landlords today and in the future. You can download a copy of this new document here 🏠 The Rent Perfect system helps investors become successful "lazy" landlords by managing efficiently with [...]